5G in Bangladesh
Guillaume Mascot
Nokia understands that 5G
requires a fundamental transformation to Operators’ network and business model.
The necessary changes would touch all the domains of the network i.e., access,
transport and core. This transformation journey involves number of intermediate
steps to reach a certain level of maturity so that its full potential can be
exploited. Understanding and focusing on right use cases for a particular
market is a key for the success of 5G introduction. 5G provides a leapfrog of
network capabilities in several dimensions i.e., access independent
connectivity, extreme throughput, ultralow latency, virtual network slices. These
unique capabilities produce limitless possibilities to articulate customized
use cases relevant for a specific market.
5G mobile communications will
cover a wider range of use cases and related applications including video
streaming, augmented reality, different ways of data sharing, and various forms
of machine type applications, including vehicular safety, different sensors,
and real-time control. 5G also needs the flexibility to support future
applications that are not yet fully understood or even known. Starting with
trials in 2016 and the deployment of first use cases in 2017, the full 5G
system will be introduced in 2019/20 and will be in use well beyond 2030.
Nokia envisions 5G as a system
providing scalable and flexible services with a virtually zero latency gigabit
experience when and where it matters. In addition, 5G will provide at least a
ten-fold improvement in the user experience over 4G, with higher peak data
rates, improved “everywhere” data rates and a ten-fold reduction in latency.
The biggest difference between
5G and legacy design requirements is the diversity of use-cases that 5G
networks must support compared to today’s networks that were designed primarily
to deliver high speed mobile broadband. However, 5G will be about people and things
that can be broadly split into three use case categories:
• Massive broadband that
delivers gigabytes of bandwidth on demand
• Critical machine-type
communication (uRLLC) that demands immediate, synchronized eyeto-hand feedback
to remotely control robots and deliver the tactile Internet
• Massive MTC (mMTC) that
connects billions of sensors and machines,
Nokia has established a broad
range of innovation partnerships to find a common direction through
collaboration in requirement setting, technology research and is a front leader
in global standardization bodies related to 5G.
5G opens a wide range of
possibilities for selecting frequency bands. The 5G footprint would be a
combination of low, mid and high frequency bands. The low frequency bands (<1 24-28="" 39="" 6="" and="" are="" band="" bands="" broad="" capacity="" communication="" coverage.="" critical="" embb="" enhanced="" for="" frequency="" full="" ghz="" great="" grid="" high-range="" high="" input="" latency="" like="" local="" lot="" low="" lte="" massive="" mid-range="" mm-waves="" mobile="" multiple="" o:p="" output="" reliable="" sub="" suitable="" the="" ultra="" urllc="" with="">1>
The main
spectrum for 5G deployment globally is seen to be 3.3 – 4.2 GHz. This frequency
range will be the most widely licensed spectrum in the history of mobile
networks. As per GSMA (Global System for Mobile Communications Association)
report in November 2018, 107 operators worldwide used 3.5 GHz band for
trialing/launching 5G which is the highest number when compared with other band
chosen by the operators. 5G in 3.5 GHz band can use existing base station sites
for rapid deployment, while providing similar coverage to the existing LTE
network at 1.8 GHz. 5G beamforming gives higher antenna gain, helping
compensate for the higher path loss at 3.5 GHz compared to 1.8 GHz. The device
ecosystem also would be evolving mainly around the most widely used frequency
band which is 3.5 GHz. For the highrange frequency bands the most widely used
bands are 26 GHz and 28 GHz bands.
Countries in
Asia Pacific region are no exceptions when come to spectrum selection for 5G
activities. Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, New Zealand –
all of these countries are investigating 3.5 GHz for mid-range band and 26/28
GHz for high-range band. They are mostly preparing for launching 5G by year
2020. In some countries like Vietnam, strong policy push is noticed for 4th
Industrial revolution with 5G by 2020/2021.
Spectrum is the
lifeblood of mobile communications and spectrum-related policies, including
spectrum management, are critical for the future development of networks,
including the evolution to 5G. To enable adoption, operators must be assured
that sufficient and affordable spectrum is available in a timely manner. This
is required to support the growing mix of data traffic that will be generated
by the increasing number of humans and machines that will access (future)
networks. Spectrum pricing should be balanced against network investments that
will be required to ensure the ubiquitous availability of networks and services.
Excessive pricing of spectrum can have as effect limited future investments in
networks and innovative services and may delay their adoption. A simplification
of the regulatory requirements attached to spectrum licenses will benefit
operators (e.g. a technology neutral approach to spectrum, coverage obligations
per technology, etc.) and an investment friendly environment should be put in
5G is a key for
Digital Bangladesh. Clear and predictable legal regulatory framework and
wireless strategy for true ubiquitous access are pivotal for building the
regulations as demand stimulation tool. Finally understanding and embracing the
challenges that 4th Industrial Revolution will bring is of great importance –
careful considerations around socio-economic aspects, skill demands,
investments in ICT infrastructure should be undertaken for better preparations
of this new wave.
*Head of Government Relations APJ (Asia-Pacific, Japan),